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Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

4 Jul 2015 to 11 Jul 2015

FINAL CALL! REGISTRATION BY 2 JUL 2015!workshop introduces the concepts and principles of steel building design, before explaining in detail the methods employed by Eurocode 3 for designing members in bending, compression and tension. Load combinations, bracing and ties, frame stability, trusses, portal frames, multi-storey buildings, long span plate girders and bolted and welded connections are also covered. The design methods are illustrated through worked examples. Recognising the current transition from BS 5950 to the Eurocodes, the course will highlight the similarities and major differences between the two codes, but it will not assume any prior knowledge of either code.CPD: 14 PDUs qualified by PE Board; 12 STUs (for RE & RTO)

The Regency Steel Asia (RSA) symposium series was launched back in May 2008 to recognize the generousdonation from Regency Steel Asia Pte Ltd to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTU and tomark the establishment of the RSA Endowment Fund @ NTU to support steel research and to promote theuse of steel and composite construction for greater productivity, sustainability and safety in our building andconstruction industry. In line with this overall objective, this fourth RSA symposium will focus on applications ofLatest Design and Construction Technologies for Steel and Composite Steel-Concrete Structuresand will showcase how latest architectural and engineering innovations in design and materials can be fullyexploited to create simple yet iconic long-span column-free spaces in actual building projects. Also, theStructural Eurocodes are now fully implemented and the symposium will discuss how the latest Eurocodescan be better exploited to design efficient tall and slender high-rise building structures to withstand wind andearthquake actions. On construction technologies, recent development such as use of pipe struts instead oflaced struts for the new East Coast Line station construction is attracting some attention from the industry.Also, other recent developments such as new product shape for steel sheet piles, high strength Grade S690TMCP steel plates and Grade 600 reinforcing steel bars and how all these developments can help to improveproductivity will be presented during the Symposium.

Singapore's 3rd Green Building Masterplan has identified the need to measure the environmental impact of buildings through its carbon footprint. The BCA Green Mark scheme will thus introduce the reporting of embodied carbon as a criteria for new buildings. SGBC's Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) labelling scheme will be supporting the changes to the BCA Green Mark scheme by including the carbon emissions of building products as a key criterion for assessing the environmental performance of products.Jointly organised by SGBC and BCA's Centre for Sustainable Buildings and Construction (CSBC), the course is specially designed for the Building Industry. It provides an in-depth understanding of the carbon footprint of buildings and the products and materials therein. The course will impart the skills to enable participants to assess the environmental impact of their buildings and products. Delivered through both classroom and hands-on practice, participants will learn robust and reliable methodologies in compliance with international standards to effectively communicate environmental performance of building projects and products.

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

25 Jul 2015 to 25 Jul 2015

LAST CALL, REGISTRATION BY 20 JUL 2015!Course Synopsis With EuroCode implementation and the new Singapore Standards SS EN 206-1 (Concrete Specification, performance, production and conformity) and SS 544 (Concrete Complementary Singapore Standard to SS EN 206-1), method for specifying concrete has been changed from previous Singapore Standards SS289. This seminar will introduce the concepts and requirements for specifying different types of concrete. Sustainability in the construction industry will remain a pipe-dream unless design for specified durable service life is the basis for all future construction. The presentation will also emphasise the durability and sustainability factor when specifying concrete. This course also explains the requirements on identity tests for indicating whether the defined volume of concrete under review belongs to the same population as that verified as confirming.CPD: 7 PDUs qualified by PE Board; 6 STUs (for RE & RTO)
