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Institution of Engineers, Singapore

31 Aug 2020 to 31 Aug 2020

With the rapid global infrastructure development, there is a new focus on sustainable usage of concrete. Using supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) like silica fume, pulverized fuel ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag to replace or compliment cement is one practical area to achieve sustainability which is gaining importance. Stakeholders in construction industry (Owners, Architects, Engineers, Resident Technical Officers, Site Supervisors etc) are handling more demanding and complex projects in current development projects and may involve working with SCM. This programme aims to provide information on the nature of these SCM and the resulting properties of concrete batched using such materials to participants to allow them to better execute their projects.

Building and Construction Authority

15 Sep 2020 to 18 Sep 2020

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process that involves the generation and management of the information about a facility. BIM allows for great integration and collaboration among different building professionals of various disciplines to explore digitally, and can be used throughout the entire building process from design stage through construction stage and even post construction building management.Currently, majority of the building plans have to be submitted in BIM format for regulatory approval. This 4-day Certification Course in BIM Modelling (Architecture track) aims to develop BIM capability and capacity in the industry so that firms could be ready for the full BIM implementation by 2015.

Building and Construction Authority

17 Sep 2020 to 18 Sep 2020

Way-finding and signage design should be considered holistically as part of the building and facilities planning process. This is to ensure that people can have safe and easy access to amenities and facilities provided in a building. Through this course, the participants will have a good appreciation of how way-finding plays a vital role in Universal Design (UD), especially in supporting the ageing population; learn of the principles, design considerations and communication strategies of way-finding and signage; and be familiar with the design requirements set out in SS 599:2014 Guide for Wayfinding Signage in Public Areas. The Instructor will also share his experiences through the use of positive and negative case-studies.

Singapore Green Building Council

21 Sep 2020 to 21 Sep 2020

The first session of this SGBC Webinar Series - held in support of both International Built Environment Week 2020 and World Green Building Week 2020 - will discuss key carbon neutrality definitions and trends affecting the future of the built environment sector. This will include how neutrality is being embedded into buildings from project design to end-of-life, implications for companies today and how carbon neutrality sits within the broader built environment Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) reporting ecosystem in attracting investors.

Institution of Engineers, Singapore

23 Sep 2020 to 28 Sep 2020

The Certicate in Faade Inspection course is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills in faade inspection. On top of legislative framework and requirements on faade inspection, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of various faade systems and materials, their particular maintenance needs and inspection methods.

Contractors and builders would have to face the Authorities and even the media when such incidents take place. On site, project owners and contractors look to the contract and particularly the insurance coverage for compensation. This one day course will be ideal for professional engineers, construction engineers, project managers, Consultants and other project team members who may wish to expand their technical knowledge of this specialised contract and site safety element

Institution of Engineers, Singapore

1 Oct 2020 to 1 Oct 2020

Development projects are increasingly demanding as the clients becomes more sophisticated and requires their project to be built with better productivity and sustainability. These materials and method of construction may be considered as a means to achieve sustainability and improve productivity under the right conditions. Stakeholders (Designers, Resident Engineers, Resident Technical Officers, Site Supervisors, etc) would need to have some understanding of how these materials and method can be used as they might be handling projects involving them.

Institution of Engineers, Singapore

5 Oct 2020 to 5 Oct 2020

Safety in construction sites is of paramount importance not only to protect oneself but also to ensure safety for fellow site personnel on site. This programme is for stakeholders in construction projects (Resident Engineers, Resident Technical officers, Site Supervisors etc) and it explains the laws on safety for construction site and discusses construction safety for the various site operations commonly executed in a construction project.

Singapore Green Building Council

8 Oct 2020 to 15 Oct 2020

Buildings which are designed for people with intelligent lighting systems and interoperable building services are able to enhance comfort, improve occupant productivity as well as promote health and welling.These buildings are able to make sense of environmental parameters and continuously work to make the workday better for occupants. In this SGBC Webinar series supported by Education Partner Helvar, find out how workplaces can be transformed by putting wellbeing at the heart of spatial design.

Singapore Green Building Council

13 Oct 2020 to 13 Oct 2020

Do you know that the Environmental Protection Agency has consistently ranked indoor air pollution as one of the most concerning environmental dangers we all face daily? Ventilation is an important aspect for the design of buildings, embraced to prevent the spread of airborne disease.Indoor air pollutants are detrimental to the buildings' occupants' performance, affects the potential of a buildings' energy efficiency, and has wide reaching implications on business performance as seen by the recent pandemic.In this SGBC Webinar supported by Education Partner Siemens, find out how implementing a pandemic-proof Indoor Air Quality system can assist with business continuity and help achieve cost savings.
