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Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority
Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore
BCA Centre for Sustainable Buildings (BCA CSB)
Building and Construction Authority
City Gas Pte Ltd (as Trustee)
Defence Science & Technology Agency of Singapore
Energy Market Authority
Enterprise Singapore
Housing and Development Board
Infocomm Media Development Authority
Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Jurong Town Corporation
Land Transport Authority
LTA Academy
Manpower Development Department
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Manpower
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Nanyang Technological University
National Environment Agency
National Parks Board
National University of Singapore
Power Gas
Power Supply
Professional Engineers Board
Public Utilities Board
Real Estate Developers' Association of Singapore
Republic Polytechnic
Singapore Civil Defence Force
Singapore Contractors Association Ltd
Singapore Green Building Council
Singapore Institute of Architects
Singapore Institute of Building Limited
Singapore Institute Surveyors & Valuers
Singapore Land Authority
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore Structural Steel Society
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Singapore Welding Society
Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology (Singapore)
Upcoming Events
Building and Construction Authority
3 Jul 2017 to 4 Jul 2017
This course complements the basic course on Eurocode 2 (EC2), Design of Concrete Structures-Eurocode vs British Standard to give a comprehensive coverage of the more advanced topics in EC2. It covers the design of prestressed concrete structures, slender columns, strut and tie of concrete regions that do not conform to flexure, core walls, foundations, retaining walls, progressive collapse, as well as both prescriptive and performance-based design of fire resistance of concrete structures. In addition, this course will equip participants with fundamental understanding of structural behaviours. It also contains worked examples, where appropriate, to enable participants to grasp the full details of the design procedures. As cross reference will be made to the basic course on EC2, participants are encouraged to attend the basic course on EC2 before attending this advanced course. This course is jointly organised by BCA Academy and Protective Technology Research Centre (PTRC) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Building and Construction Authority
3 Jul 2017 to 19 Jul 2017
In recent years, there have been more deep underground construction works in Singapore. Other than MRT stations and tunnels, Singapore is also moving towards rock cavern construction. Remarkable cavern projects include the Underground Ammunition Facility, opened in 2008 by the Singapore Armed Force which free up 300 ha of usable land; and the Jurong Rock Caverns, opened in September 2014, which free up 60 ha of usable land. Upcoming is the underground Science City at Kent Ridge, a 30-storey below ground development to house research laboratories, offices and a data centre.With this trend and development, there is a need for the industry to be trained to supervise deep underground construction works. This course aims to equip site personnel with the knowledge of earth retaining or stabilising structures and deep underground excavation so as to raise their competency to supervise deep construction works safely.
Building and Construction Authority
9 Jul 2017 to 29 Dec 2017
The BCSS is a mandatory training course for individuals who are assigned to undertake the role of a supervisor in the construction industry. Workplace Safety and Health(Construction) Regulations 2007 Reg. 9 (2b) stipulates that no person shall be employed to oversee or supervise any work or process carried out in a worksite unless the person has received adequate safety and health training for the purpose of ensuring that such work or process can be carried out safely. This course would be appropriate for individuals who are construction site supervisors & foreman, RTOs and site engineers.
Building and Construction Authority
10 Jul 2017 to 11 Jul 2017
This course is aimed at providing civil and structural engineers a good understanding of the general rules, main features and changes contained in Eurocode 3 and the accompanying Singapore National Annexes. Reference will be made to the accompanying codes EC0 (Basis of Structural Design) and EC1 (Actions on Structures). The course will cover the basis of structural component and frame design, structural loading, material properties, design at the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit state. Practical examples with direct reference to the code clauses will be used to illustrate the application of the code requirements. Case studies are provided to illustrate clearly the theory of structural stability and design and how they can be applied to avoid structural collapse.
Building and Construction Authority
11 Jul 2017 to 12 Jul 2017
The performance of buildings under fire condition has attracted significant attention in recent years. This course will provide participants with the essential background for fire design of concrete and timber structures. Both behaviour and design aspects related to ambient and structural fire design of concrete and timber structures will be covered.
Computational Design or Parametric Design enables architects and designers to explore more design options and variations leading to desired solution. This design approach also makes the creation of complex geometry possible and accurate. Exemplary projects adopting computational design approach will also be shared in this workshop.This 2-day workshop covers the practical applications, modelling workflow and integration of model with BIM software to enhance the design process. Participants will be equipped with practical computational design skills and technical knowledge through the hands-on sessions.
Participants will learn the concept of solar geometry in the context of different climate zones, sun path diagrams and stereographic projections as a means to understand and read solar geometry and use Ecotect as a tool to demonstrate the impact of solar geometry on building facades and in turn the indoor space.
Building and Construction Authority
13 Jul 2017 to 13 Jul 2017
Project Managers play a critical role in delivering projects on time and within budget. With the increasing complexity of projects, there is a need to manage projects more efficiently through collaboration with various stakeholders.Jointly organised by BCA and the Society of Project Managers (SPM), this seminar presents various roles project managers can play for effective and successful project collaboration through the integration of technology, people and process to improve productivity as a whole.
Building and Construction Authority
20 Jul 2017 to 20 Jul 2017
The Rapid Load Test (RLT) is gaining popularity in Asia as an alternative to the conventional Kentledge method for load testing of piles. RLT has advantages such as faster speed of testing, and requires smaller space and reaction loads to perform the test. This seminar covers the relevant codes and regulations, the principles, limitations, performance and reliability on RLT. The objective of this seminar is to provide industry with a better understanding on how the RLT can be used to improve site processes thereby increasing site productivity. The seminar also aims to educate industry on RTLs applications and its limitations.
Building and Construction Authority
25 Jul 2017 to 26 Jul 2017
Lean construction employs lean optimizations to the construction process to improve project performance and productivity. Lean means utilizing less resources, effort, cost, manpower, to achieve more value through optimizing processes by reducing wastes and uncertainty while maximizing customer satisfaction, In that way, it makes processes more stable, predictable and efficient. Studies have shown that the application of Lean construction methods in project delivery process has resulted in reduction of completion time by almost 30% and up to 15% reduction in costs. The Lean Construction Management Workshop Series aims to introduce to the industry the different Lean Construction approaches and methodologies through a series of bespoke workshops. Through this knowledge transfer, it is hoped that the industry practitioners would be able make more informed decision when choosing the suitable approaches for the company or project so as to enhance project delivery. In this workshop, participants will learn about the principles and tools which cover advance project planning practices involving short-term collective planning, pull scheduling, constraint management techniques and workflow optimization using cloud based real-time planning tools. Utilizing lean methodology and cloud based tool results in smoother production flow of construction activities and reduction of uncertainty across the project personnel and the different subcontractors involved in the project. Possibilities of combining Lean, cloud and mobile technologies and BIM are also covered which ultimately helps to boost the construction productivity in projects.
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