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Nanyang Technological University
9 Jul 2015 to 9 Jul 2015
The Regency Steel Asia (RSA) symposium series was launched back in May 2008 to recognize the generousdonation from Regency Steel Asia Pte Ltd to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTU and tomark the establishment of the RSA Endowment Fund @ NTU to support steel research and to promote theuse of steel and composite construction for greater productivity, sustainability and safety in our building andconstruction industry. In line with this overall objective, this fourth RSA symposium will focus on applications ofLatest Design and Construction Technologies for Steel and Composite Steel-Concrete Structuresand will showcase how latest architectural and engineering innovations in design and materials can be fullyexploited to create simple yet iconic long-span column-free spaces in actual building projects. Also, theStructural Eurocodes are now fully implemented and the symposium will discuss how the latest Eurocodescan be better exploited to design efficient tall and slender high-rise building structures to withstand wind andearthquake actions. On construction technologies, recent development such as use of pipe struts instead oflaced struts for the new East Coast Line station construction is attracting some attention from the industry.Also, other recent developments such as new product shape for steel sheet piles, high strength Grade S690TMCP steel plates and Grade 600 reinforcing steel bars and how all these developments can help to improveproductivity will be presented during the Symposium.
Nanyang Technological University
8 Apr 2016 to 8 Apr 2016
Abstract : Structural performances depend on the states of constituent materials. All at once, the damage and soundness of materials are also affectedby how structures have been used in service. In principle, performance assessment of concrete infrastructures cannot be conducted withoutcoupling of microscopic behaviours of cementitious composites and macroscopic structural concrete.Since 1990, multi-scale and multi-chemo and mechanical modelling have been investigated in many fields of study and the scheme is beingapplied to engineering solution. First, the past and current development of multi-scale and multi-chemo physics modelling of structuralconcrete is summarised. The scope of multi-scale simulation is being extended to the volumetric change of concrete caused by drying,self-desiccation, steel corrosion, ASR and freezing-thawing actions. The applicability related to mechanistic actions are being expanded fromstatics to dynamics as well as high cycle fatigue loads of great importance for transportation facilities. The recent engineering application ofmulti-scale simulator to practical problems for infrastructure management is reported.The assimilation of inspection data and numerical simulation is highlighted. For life assessment, the initial conditions at casting and pastcuring states of structural concrete are hardly known in practice. Then, the current inspection data is used as the initial condition for futureprediction. Actual examples of remaining life of damaged bridge RC decks will be presented from case studies. In these examples, nondestructiveradar and acoustic technology as well as visual inspection are combined with numerical simulations. Admission is free and all are welcome. For catering purpose, please e-register through the registration link before 27 March 2016.For enquiries, please contact Ms Debbie Low. Tel: 6790-5285; Email:
Nanyang Technological University
21 Jul 2016 to 22 Jul 2016
This short course, which is based on Singapore Standard SS EN 1993-1-8:2010, SS EN 1993-1-9:2010 and SS EN 1993-1-10:2010, Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures Part 1-8: Joints, Part 1-9: Fatigue and Part 1-10: Material toughness and through-thickness properties, respectively, is to provide participants the relevant technical background with worked examples to understand better the design resistance, fatigue and fracture assessment of circular and rectangular hollow section tubular joints under various load combinations. The strength integrity assessment of the cracked joints based on fracture mechanics approach is also presented. It covers the procedures of assessing the fracture and residual strength of circular hollow section (CHS) and rectangular hollow section (RHS) joints containing cracks using standards not covered in SS EN 1993-1-10:2010. To register for the course, please complete the registration form on page 3 of the flyer and email it to before 7 July 2016
Nanyang Technological University
19 Sep 2016 to 20 Sep 2016
Abstract: The concept of structural safety, and in particular how structures are designed under extreme loading conditions, has come under increased focus since the collapse of WTC buildings following 9-11 disaster. Since fires played a crucial role in the collapse of WTC buildings, building performance under fire conditions has attracted significant attention in recent years. Further, there is an increased expectation from society-at-large on better performance of buildings under fire conditions. Thus structural engineers are expected to be familiar with the design principles governing fire safety in buildings. This course will provide the essential background for fire design of steel, and composite structures. Both behavior and design aspects related to structural fire design of steel, and composite structures will be covered in this course. The course will introduce design provisions specified in Euro codes for fire design of steel, concrete, and composite structures. For engineers who are not familiar with the Euro-terminology, the course instructors will go through the relevant terms for ambient and high temperature design. Also, examples and case studies will be presented to illustrate the applicability of fire design provisions in practical scenarios. Both Professors have been working in the field of structural fire engineering since 1990s and have extensive experience in the analysis, design and testing of steel, concrete and composite structures under fire conditions.
Course Schedule 19-20 Sept 2016
Short Course Flyer 19-20 Sept 2016
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