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Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

1 Sep 2022 to 27 Oct 2022

COURSE OBJECTIVESTo provide training programs (on-line) for graduates and practicing engineers in the ACMV industry who need to either extend or update their knowledge on a particular subject(s) in accordance with current developments in the industry. The training programs are designed to cater for the needs of young graduates, practicing technicians and engineers to provide a better understanding of certain fundamentals as listed in this series of courses. COURSE CONTENTSThe contents for each of the following courses are detailed below:1.Introduction to ACMV Systems2.Chilled Beam Systems 3.Thermal Displacement Ventilation (and UFAD) Systems 4.VAV Systems 5.Challenges of ACMV System in times of Covid-19 6.Noise Attenuation in ACMV Systems and Weather Lourves7.Ventilation Dampers 8.Fire and Smoke Dampers9.VAV Terminal Units and Accessories

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

27 Jan 2023 to 10 Feb 2023

Course SynopsisThe course provides an overview of computational Building Information Modelling (BIM) and how it is applied in Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) drafting and modelling processes. Revit Dynamo will be used for automation and optimisation of the MEP modelling processes.Course ObjectiveThis course will equip participants with essential Computational BIM Dynamo skills in MEP BIM design and documentation processes. Participants will learn how to create Dynamo scripts to interact with Revit elements, parameters, excel spread sheets and to automate the documentation and the design processes. Course Topics1. Dynamo Basics2. Managing Lists & Data3. Interacting with Revit Parameters4. Interacting with Excel5. Documentation Example6. Python Scripts for Dynamo

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

23 Mar 2023 to 23 Mar 2023

The CORENET X project was initiated in 2018 with the objective to leverage technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and automation to transform the regulatory approval process for building works.CORENET X will be a One-Stop Integrated Digital Shopfront, targeted to be rolled out from end 2023.To ensure our regulatory information can be captures and exported to IFC, a localized set of IFC data requirements was developed, called IFC-SG.Based on the IFC-SG Resource Kit developed by GovTech, the Regulatory Agencies, and BIM software developers, 1-day IFC-SG Training had rolled out for Revit users since Aug 2022.This webinar aims to share more info and details of the upcoming training for Tekla users.Industry Training details are available at https://go.gov.sg/cxtraining

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

31 Mar 2023 to 31 Mar 2023

Topic: A Practical Approach of Resolving Disputes on Variation, Payment Claims, including The Mediation Process for Professional EngineersSeminar Outline 1.Definition Of Variation Claims, and Its Legal Implications 2.Resolving Payment Claims, A Practical Approach and Its Outcome 3.Mediation Process and Resolving Construction Disputes 4.Case Studies and Discussions5.Question and Answers 6.Bringing Litigation and Arbitration claims for variation and payment claims

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

6 Jul 2023 to 6 Jul 2023

LEARNING OBJECTIVESIncreasing productivity and enabling collaborationDesign & BIM Data Management. BIM & Analysis InteroperabilityPreparing Structural Building information Models for IFC-SG Submission requirementsTOPIC & AGENDAExploring Structural BIM to Analysis workflows & Model Automation procedures.Hands-on: Revit-Dynamo-RobotHands-on: Corenet X - IFC-SG Parameters for Revit & Checking Structural ModelsShowcase: Generative design Showcase: CSIxRevit Interoperability

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

21 Aug 2023 to 21 Aug 2023

ACES is organising a short online lunchtime talks for CORENET X. In this session JTC, Squire Mech and Arup are invited to share with members their sandbox project and their experience with Revit and IFC-SG.

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

23 May 2024 to 24 May 2024

As consultants we face daily challenges of regulatory changes, keeping in pace with technology advancement, continual effort to improve efficiency in our works and ensuring core competency is always maintained as well as continual progression in learning from engineering challenges faced in the industry.ACES as a representative of practitioners is always looking for ways to keep our members well informed of the industry practices, advancements and changes via these seminars to meet the challenges above.

Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore

18 Mar 2025 to 20 Mar 2025

Course ObjectiveEurocode 1997 has been implemented for structural plans submission in compliance of Building Regulations since 2013. With the BSI publication in 2023 of the new head Eurocode 1990, now titled Basis of Structural and Geotechnical Design, the publication of the three parts of the next generation Eurocode 7 on Geotechnical Design is imminent, likely to be completed by early 2025.This course will provide participants an understanding and what to expect in the next generation of Eurocode 7 on Geotechnical Design, covering enhanced concept of safety, major changes and features in dealing with current geotechnical design and geotechnical structures.Course A: Understanding Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design from First to Next GenerationCourse B: Next Generation Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design on Piled FoundationsCourse C: Next Generation Eurocode 7 on Numerical Methods
